Community Farms

Our Community Aquaponic Farms are designed to be a further extension of sustainability.  Any Farm that is donated to a qualifying school, church or charity not only provides a wonderful learning experience for children, teens and adults, it provides a beautiful way to establish a continuous source of giving.  Each school, church or charity receives 10% of produce sales from its, students, parents, staff and supporters.  In this way the community organization benefits more as more community members increase their healthy eating.  It’s truly a win, win, win.

Location, ground couture, access to sunlight, minimal electricity and water as well as exposure to potential surrounding interference are just some of the elements we consider in evaluating a potential new Farm location.

Donating a Farm to your favorite school, church or charity in you or a loved one’s name as a Legacy Farm is one of the coolest ways to show your support that stands out and truly inspires others.

Interested?  We would love to hear from you.  Please email us a


Hope Charter/Legacy High School Farm

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